Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Timeline: March 31, 2010

8:30am - Work is relaxing and a little bit of music is playing.

9:30am - First cup of coffee and some jokes around the office

12:00pm - Lunch is eaten and some sports talk is on the radio

1:30pm - Annoying Coworker arrives. Silence begins and Annoying Lights are turned on

3:00pm - Annoying Coworker is asked to do something about a late notice she has been dragging her feet on

4:30pm - Coworker and I discuss baseball and Annoying Coworker interrupts with lame and sexless story about knowing someone who worked for a disgraced politician and then landing on their feet.

4:40pm - Annoying Coworker gathers her belongings and leaves the office. Ignoring multiple goodbyes from coworkers.


It's been a quiet couple of days on the Annoying Coworker front. She's been away. Or "out of pocket" as she would say. The things I notice when she is gone is that my coffee tastes better. My music makes me happier and conversations flow with no interruptions. The work flow is even enjoyable. These are the good times.

Sadly, I know this time will not last forever. Her reappearance looms over all of us. We keep checking the Outlook calender hoping something else will keep her away. It's impossible to avoid. She will be back. And the misery will accompany her.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


I'm away in Michigan on business. Away from my friends and family. Away from Annoying Coworker! This may be Michigan but it might as well be Belize. Sitting in a room for 8 hours, clicking my mouse hundreds of times, I can't help but smile knowing there will not be any Annoying Questions today.

However, that doesn't mean she is far from mind. I've heard from a few people who are convinced Annoying Coworker has a crush on me.

The thought of this makes me want to spit. And then throw up. She very well could have a crush on me. I treat her better than most people.

Most people hang up the phone on her! Including her husband and her kid! I will hear her on the phone:

Annoying Coworker: hey hunny, what did you make (Annoying Coworkers kid) for lunch? ... Did you remember to cut the crust off of the bread?....No, I know you know what you are doing! I'm just ma- (Annoying Coworker slowly hangs up the phone).

Considering I don't actively hang up the phone on her or ignore her I guess you can say I treat her pretty damn well.

Do you think Annoying Coworker has a crush on me? Sign off in the comments section while I clean up this vomit

Monday, March 22, 2010

You Need Us

I just caught Annoying Coworker staring at me in my peripheral vision. I notice this happen occasionally. She moves her head and I can just make it out that she is looking at me from beneath her Annoying glasses. I can usually just press on and stare at my computer as if nothing is actually happening. 

Not today friends.

I glanced over like a dummy and locked eyes with her. The curious thing is that she did not immediately start talking. She held the moment for a few seconds before beginning her sentence. She proceeded to tell me that there is a help organization that is called "You Need Us" I told her what a smart name that is and then went back to my computer hoping this would satisfy and eliminate the conversation.  It was not. I'd tell you what she said but I honestly don't remember as rage engulfed my body and all I could see was red.

Travel Day

Annoying Coworker: Are you leaving today for the airport?
Me: (looking at my luggage that I have never brought to work before) Yes.

This reminds me of an email Annoying Coworker set up as an auto reply when she was on vacation. The email said:

Sorry I am unable to reply to your email personally. I am currently out of pocket. For more assistance...

Who says "out of pocket"? What does that even mean?

So Annoying...