Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Timeline: March 31, 2010

8:30am - Work is relaxing and a little bit of music is playing.

9:30am - First cup of coffee and some jokes around the office

12:00pm - Lunch is eaten and some sports talk is on the radio

1:30pm - Annoying Coworker arrives. Silence begins and Annoying Lights are turned on

3:00pm - Annoying Coworker is asked to do something about a late notice she has been dragging her feet on

4:30pm - Coworker and I discuss baseball and Annoying Coworker interrupts with lame and sexless story about knowing someone who worked for a disgraced politician and then landing on their feet.

4:40pm - Annoying Coworker gathers her belongings and leaves the office. Ignoring multiple goodbyes from coworkers.